Sep 15
Form a team and join us for our Annual Sports Day in Telki.
Sep 04
We have the privilege and honor of hosting Ambassadors David B. Cornstein and Dr. László Szabó on the AmCham podium, during their…
Jul 01
Enjoy an extensive All American BBQ Buffet and many other attractions including children's animation and entry to the Zoo.
Jun 22
Minister Palkovics will speak about the most important issues of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology.
Jun 14
We would like to share first-hand information with the entire membership and with invited new partners about AmCham’s latest…
Jun 10
The AmCham Foundation launched its new ACF Code Theater program with the purpose of teaching safe internet and IT usage to…
Jun 08
Jun 05
Innovációs workshopunk a kutatás-fejlesztéshez kapcsolódó adókedvezményekkel, továbbá az EKD K+F támogatási lehetőségekkel…