AmCham Hungary’s Policy Regarding Event Participation


By registering to an AmCham event, you consent to having your name, company name, position, email address and phone number uploaded to the AmCham database. Using your contact information, AmCham can reach you with invitations, the latest news and information regarding your membership, our advocacy work, past and upcoming events, and special offers from fellow AmCham members.

By registering, you consent to AmCham to sharing your name, company name and position with the event partners and sponsors.

By attending an AmCham Hungary event, you give us permission to use the photograph/video or recordings in publications or other media material produced offline and online for news, advertising and promotional purposes without written permission and compensation.

You release AmCham Hungary, its officers and employees from any liability connected with the taking, recording or publication of photographs, video or sound recording of the event.

Any person or organization not affiliated with AmCham is forbidden from using, copying, editing, modifying AmCham photographs, graphics, videography, or other recordings without the advance written permission of AmCham.

For persons under 18, advance parental consent is required for event attendance and the use of images.

In addition, the event venue may or may not be under video surveillance. By entering the premises, you consent to being recorded by a third party, usually the landlord of the premise or a security company contracted by the landlord. AmCham Hungary does not own the footage and has no access to it. Please consult event attendants if you wish to receive more information.

If you do not wish to be photographed or recorded, please inform an AmCham Staff Member at the registration desk and you will receive a special “No photo” identification mark on your badge. By not wearing this mark you consent to the taking and use of photographs and/or video, where you make an appearance.

We will retain list of guests and photos and videos for an indefinite period in our archives. The Data Controller is The American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary (address: H-1051 Budapest, Szent István tér 11; info [at] With any questions, please contact József Gál, Policy Officer ( [at]; +30-30-6313356).

You have various rights with respect to our use of your personal data: you can access and update/correct your data, request restriction for processing, object to processing or request deletion of your data and you can also withdraw your consent. For more information, please read AmCham Hungary’s General Privacy Policy.

In case you are unsatisfied with AmCham’s response to your request you can file a complaint with the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság (NAIH) https://,, phone: +36-1-3911400, fax: +36-1-3911410, email: ugyfelszolgalat [at]