This was F.A.Q. was created to provide information about how you can be an active member of our committees.

What kind of committees and working groups do we have?
Currently, we have 7 committees and 2 working groups. These are:


Why join?

AmCham’s robust Committee network is the primary vehicle for our members to provide inputs to policy recommendations, share best practices in a wide range of subjects, and also to build their professional network.            

Who can join?

All employees of AmCham members-in-good-standing are entitled to join one or more committees, and can cancel their committee membership anytime. Participation in AmCham’s Committees and Working Groups is free and voluntary. You can check here, whether your company is an AmCham member already.

How to join?

Sign up by emailing any member of the AmCham staff, indicating which Committee or Working Group you wish to join.

Where can I find more information about Committees?

Please visit our website’s dedicated subpages for more information on each Committee, or read our latest Annual Report for a summary of our work.

How are Committee leaders elected? Are there any open positions?

Committee and WG chairs are elected for a maximum of two consecutive 2-year terms. Open positions are announced to the membership, and any member-in-good-standing can apply. Committee members select the winning candidate, who is then approved by the AmCham Board of Directors.

Currently, there is one open committee chair position for the Workspace and Facilities Management Committee. Application is open until November 20, learn more.

I have a topic that I want to bring up in a committee/working group. How do I do that?

You should contact the AmCham coordinator the specific committee, or the elected Committee Chair. They will be happy to help.

I have a topic that I want to discuss, but it doesn’t seem to belong to any specific committee. Who do I turn to?

Please feel free to contact the relevant Policy Officer, Vivien Csernik-Tihn, József Gál, Zsófia Valkó-Juhász or Zsuzsanna Varga, or other AmCham Staff members, and they will channel your query to the appropriate colleague to follow up.

I have proposal for a new committee, which may fill a gap and interest of several many AmCham members. How can I initiate a new committee or working group?

You should contact the CEO or our Policy Officers Vivien Csernik-Tihn, József Gál, and Edina Molnár with a list of topics the future committee should discuss, and a suggested pool of interested member companies.

AmCham will invite members who may be interested for a kick-off discussion. If there is support behind elaborating the idea and there are least 8-10 other members participating a Working Group will be set up which after one year of operation can be formalized as a committee.