SZEGED PÓLUS Fejlesztési Nonprofit Kft.

Partner Category
6720 Szeged, Széchenyi tér 5.
info [at]

Szeged Polus Development Non-profit Ltd. is a Hungarian company established in 2005 by the Local Government of Szeged of County Rank.
Our two main activities are to manage development projects of the City and to implement the medium to long-term investment promotion strategy of the city (Invest in Szeged). 
We provide information to national and foreign businesses arriving at or having settled down in Szeged, and organise visits for investors.
We focus on service centres, information technology and automobile industry (e.g. IT development, navigation or energy storage) besides others. Szeged has received the award of Investors Friendly Location on 16th June 2016 in the Investors Friendly Location Program by the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency.

Our mission is to make Szeged economically dynamic and competitive city in Hungary.