SOS-Gyermekfalu Magyarországi Alapítványa

Partner Category
1094 Budapest, Angyal utca 1-3.
adomanyinfo [at]

No child should grow up alone! SOS Children's Villages is working with children, young people and families to tackle this global issue on a local level. We work to keep families together, provide alternative care when needed, support young people on their path to independence, and advocate for the rights of children. Every child has the right to quality care. Quality care means a safe and caring environment for the child to grow and reach their full potential. We work with communities and states to provide a loving home for children who need alternative care and to prevent family breakdown. Together with donors, partners, communities and governments, we lay the foundations for a brighter future. Children have a right to protection and to feel safe. SOS Children's Villages does not tolerate any form of child abuse, exploitation, neglect or violation of a child’s privacy. We are committed to creating and maintaining a caring and protective environment for every child we reach through our programmes.

Our values:

  1. Courage - We take action  
  2. Commitment - We keep our promises  
  3. Trust - We believe in each other  
  4. Accountability - We are reliable partners.