Simonyi és Tóth Személyzeti Tanácsadó Kft.

Partner Category
1015 Budapest, Szabó I. u. 71/a. fszt/1.
simonyiestoth [at]

Simonyi and Tóth Personnel Consultancy has been providing complex services in all fields of Human Resources since 1992. As a consultancy firm, our goal is to provide real added value, through fostering long-term relationships. Simonyi and Tóth Personnel Consultancy has been the Hungarian partner of AIMS International (Association for International Management Search/ since 1997.
AIMS International is a worldwide partnership of Executive Search and Talent Management firms operating in more than 40 countries around the globe. Based on its revenues and coverage, AIMS maintains a major global role. The senior consultants in our partner offices are ready to tackle the greatest challenges.