Astellas Pharma

Partner Category
reception_hu [at]

At Astellas, we are relentless in our pursuit of scientific progress and in identifying unmet medical needs by monitoring the changes in healthcare from multiple perspectives. We are committed to the realization of greater VALUE by patients and healthcare systems around the world. We achieve this by leveraging our strengths to create innovative new drugs and to find solutions that drive patient access to healthcare and better outcomes.

We strive to improve and enhance quality throughout the product lifecycle, not only in drug discovery, development, production, and commercial but also in post-marketing surveillance, safety information collection, and our collaborative work with medical professionals. Astellas conducts business in more than 70 countries and regions around the world, and in addition to complying with each country and region’s laws, regulations, and guidelines, we have established a system where all employees engage in business activities with high ethical standards and a broad perspective.
