Membership Satisfaction Survey - Key Findings and Action Steps


Dear AmCham Members,

In our efforts to provide better service to you, and learn more about your experience as members of our community, we launched the membership satisfaction survey in May 2022. First of all, we would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the online survey and participated in an interview, the responses and feedback you provided are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated.

With the survey, we wanted to learn about your views on the Chamber’s services, events, advocacy work and your motivations. 110 member companies took the online survey, a 35.3% participation rate, and 60 personal in-depth interviews were held with member CEOs from all membership categories.

We are excited to share the most important takeaways, the areas of improvement and the steps we are planning to take to improve and serve you better.

Key Findings

  • Strong, positive feedback overall: We are proud and humbled that our members consider AmCham a prestigious, strong organization, and would highly recommend joining the chamber to other companies, business partners.
  • AmCham’s core value proposition – Advocacy/Community/Knowledge - has been reconfirmed. Members highlighted the importance of advocacy, appreciate networking, member-to-member knowledge sharing opportunities, and access to information on economic and political affairs.
  • Members rated our events positively: respondents highly appreciate the quality of speakers, topics, actual networking opportunities and quality of venues and services.survey feedback events
  • Survey respondents indicated that their primary objective at AmCham events is networking (86%).
  • AmCham’s advocacy efforts are highly appreciated. There seem to be a consensus that AmCham usually focuses on the high-priority issues (8.5/10), have a good access to decision-makers (8.5/10), and represent the interest of the membership (8.3/10); however, many members noted the limited impact of advocacy (6.3/10).advocacy feedback


  • Respondents are highly satisfied with the work of the AmCham Staff, especially praising helpfulness (9.7/10) and quality of work (9.1/10)

Areas of Improvement

Visibility of advocacy efforts, participation in committees

The survey results indicate that members appreciate the advocacy efforts as well as the work of our committees and working groups; however, concerns were raised about visibility (7.7/10) and available information about the participation.


  • We will prepare a campaign to introduce the committees, create a FAQ where you can learn more about how to participate
  • We will also introduce a committee update newsletter and a quarterly report on our advocacy work.


Respondents rated networking as the number one reason for being an AmCham member (86%), the main motivation for attending our events.and they are looking for more activities in this regard.

events survey


  • We will create more networking opportunities, dedicate more time for networking at events to meet your needs.
  • We will bring back the US-themed events such as Thanksgiving, Independence Day, which were cut with the pandemic, to strengthen the social side of the membership experience.

Business Forums with Decisionmakers

The survey responses indicated that business forums with government officials of the new govenrment are in high demand.


We will bring you 3 business forums this september, and more are expected in the fall:

business forums september

New Members, Onboarding

Responses indicated that new members would like more opportunities to introduce themselves and get acquainted with fellow members.


  • We will put more emphasis on new members on board in communications (website, newsletter, Journal, LinkedIn).
  • Introduce new members at events

We are committed to taking the necessary steps to improve the membership experience and provide an even better service to our valued members. Once again, thank you for your feedback, it has considerably helped us understand your views and expectations from your membership. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards,

Írisz Lippai-Nagy,
Chief Executive Officer