AmCham Hungary and AmCham EU to promote business competitiveness and transatlantic relations ahead of the upcoming presidency

We are pleased to share that AmCham Hungary recently welcomed AmCham EU, a flagship member of its international support network, to Budapest to discuss the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency and key issues of competitiveness with Hungarian decision-makers focusing on the perspectives and positions of the business community and highlighting the significance of transatlantic relations including the contribution US businesses operating in Europe.


AmCham EU delegation kick-off meeting with the AmCham Hungary Board

During the  the 3-day-long visit  from February 21st to February 23rd, representatives of AmCham EU and AmCham Hungary enaged with Hungarian ministers and state secretaries in 7 different ministries: 

  • Ministry of Agriculture’s Social Relations Department
  • Ministry of Defence
  • Ministry of Energy
  • Ministry of European Union Affairs
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Ministry of Interior
  • Ministry for National Economy

Throghout the meetings AmCham representatives underscored the importance of the following areas: 

A Competitive, Sustainable, and Digital Single Market

In our discussions, we emphasized the need for a competitive, sustainable, and digital Single Market. Addressing regulatory challenges, we highlighted the importance of enacting straightforward and predictable legislation, ensuring harmonization, coherence, and certainty across Member States. We also stressed the importance of creating new initiatives only if they enhance Europe's competitiveness, based on transparent consultations and impact assessments. Fostering innovation, establishing a reliable intellectual property protection framework, promoting sustainability, and embracing digitalization were key focal points."

 A Strong and Resilient Europe on the International Scene

Advocating for a robust European presence on the international stage, the delegation emphasized the significance of trade relations, the transatlantic partnership by deepening regulatory cooperation across the Atlantic to remove barriers to trade and investment, security cooperation, and adherence to global standards. Recognizing the interconnectedness of global markets, we stressed the importance of strengthening trade ties and enhancing transatlantic cooperation for mutual economic prosperity.

 An Equitable and Democratic Europe

Advocating for a fair and democratic Europe, our delegation emphasized key issues. This included promoting skill-building initiatives, fostering collaboration between industry, education, and Member States for practical internships, apprenticeships, and work experiences. We prioritized inclusive growth, with a focus on investing in life sciences, committing to long-term planning to strengthen the resilience of healthcare systems, improving outcomes for patients. Furthermore, we also emphasized the need to safeguard democratic values in the EU's future trajectory. 

Overall, the visit of AmCham EU  was closed with constructive dialogues between the AmCham delegation and decision makers, reflecting a positive reception of the business community's key priorities. Collaborative steps are now underway to enhance the global competitiveness of the European Union.

The members of the AmCham EU delegation participating in the meetings: 

  • Liam Benham, Chair of the Board, AmCham EU
  • Andrea Chiarello, Chair of the Policy Group 
  • Susan Danger, CEO of AmCham EU
  • Ania Helseth, Vice-Chair of the Policy Group
  • Antonella Sopranzetti, Chair of the Transport, Energy and Climate Committee 
  • Françoise Soudaz, Senior External Relations Manager, AmCham EU
  • Felix Uedelhoven, Chair of the Healthcare Committee, AmCham EU 
  • Julie Vermooten, Chair of the Agriculture and Food Committee