IV. AmCham-HIPA Business Meets Government Summit 2018



In 2015 AmCham - together with HIPA and the most prominent business leaders - launched the Business Meets Government Summit to make Hungary an even better place to invest and to reinvest.

The first three Summits sparked a meaningful dialogue with the government that AmCham and HIPA kept in motion throughout the years. We had the opportunity to meet Prime Minister Orbán, Minister Szijjártó, Minister Varga and Minister Palkovics and had a number of meetings with our partners at the Ministry for National Economy, Ministry of Innovation and Trade, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Ministry of Human Capacities.

In 2018 we organize the fourth Summit to carry the momentum outlined by our “Cooperation for a more competitive Hungary” strategic working plan, incorporating our commitments and recommendations based on the discussions of the previous Summits and to further explore key challenges and priorities for improvement and to help develop a coherent national strategy to make Hungary more competitive. The enhancement of competitiveness, we believe, will not only result in an increased level of attracted FDI into the region and to Hungary, but will also make smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Hungary possible.

The event is co-organized with our strategic partner, the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA).


Provide opportunity for our members to shape our advocacy focus for 2019 Gain commitment from the participating investors to contribute to the implementation of the recommendations Continue dialogue with the government at a ministerial level Discuss AmCham’s Cooperation for a more competitive Hungary recommendations at the state secretary level The official language of the Summit is English.


Host of the event: Irisz Lippai-Nagy, CEO of AmCham Hungary

08:30-09:00 Arrival and welcome coffee 09:00-09:25 Welcome remarks AmCham President Dr. Farkas Bársony & HIPA President Róbert Ésik

09:25-11:00 Moving Hungary up the Value Chain - Plenary panel discussion with invited State Secretaries and Government partners, moderated by Ferenc Pongrácz, Lead of AmCham Investment Policy Task Force

Invited panelists:

  • László György, State Secretary for Economic Development and Regulation, Ministry for Innovation and Technology (confirmed)
  • Gáborné Pölöskei, Deputy State Secretary for Vocational Training and Adult Education, Ministry for Innovation and Technology (confirmed)
  • Balázs Rákossy, State Secretary for the utilization of European Union Funding, Ministry of Finance (confirmed)
  • Ádám Szigeti, Deputy State Secretary for Innovation, Ministry for Innovation and Technology (confirmed)

Please note that the panel will be held in Hungarian, with translation to English.

11:00-11:20 Coffee break

11:20-12:50 Closed-door discussions between government partners and corporate CEOs in the following topics (moderated by the representatives of Big4):

I. Business Environment

  • State Secretary Balázs Rákossy, Ministry of Finance
  • President Róbert Ésik, HIPA
  • Moderator: Botond Rencz, CMP, EY

The discussion will be held in English.

II. Competitive Workforce // Competitive Education

  • Deputy State Secretary Gáborné Pölöskei, Ministry for Innovation and Technology
  • Deputy State Secretary Zoltán István Marczinkó, Ministry of Finance
  • Moderator: Róbert Bencze, People and Organizations Director, PwC

The discussion will be held in Hungarian.

III. Innovation and R&D

  • Deputy State Secretary Ádám Szigeti, Ministry for Innovation and Technology
  • Vice-President István Szabó, National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Moderator: Csaba Márkus, Partner Tax and Legal, Deloitte

The discussion will be held in Hungarian.

IV. Digitalization

  • State Secretary László György, Ministry for Innovation and Technology
  • Moderator: Margit Kohanecz, Director, Healthcare and Life Sciences, KPMG

The discussion will be held in English.

12:50-13:10 Summary of break-out discussions

13:10-13:15 Closing remarks by Dr. Andrea Jádi Németh, Second Vice President of AmCham Hungary

13:15-14:30 Lunch and Networking


We would like to call your attention that the primary target audience of the summit is C-level executives and we can accept two registrations per company.  The event is only open for members and for invitees of HIPA. AmCham members in good standing: HUF 20,000 /person excluding VAT (HUF 25,400 including VAT).

To guarantee your seat, please register by e-mail to peter.kovacs [at] amcham.hu by Monday, September 24. Please indicate which of the closed-door discussions listed above you would like to participate in. On-line registration for this event is not possible. Capacity is limited, registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Written cancellations made by September 24 receive a full refund. Late cancellations or “no-shows” will be charged.


BMG 2018 sponsors

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Hilton Budapest
Castle Area, 1014 Budapest, Hess András tér 1-3.
Registration Deadline
The event is open for Members only
Member Participation Fee
20.000 HUF + VAT