Cross-Cultural Competency - A Morning Seminar with Cultural Bridge


AmCham Hungary cordially invites you to the next morning seminar about



Cultural bridge

The environment we live and work in is becoming more and more diverse. Economy is getting global, many business organizations expand their operation to new markets. Traveling is no longer a privilege of executives, employees travel internationally to meet their peers and clients in different countries, and talents are sent to new locations to develop new skills. Progress in technology and existence of new communication platforms make it possible to communicate with people from the most distant countries and to work on projects with colleagues from all around the world. Various generations meet at the same workplace due to growing longevity. Employees of mixed cultural background increase diversity even domestically. Being exposed to difference is becoming reality of each of us.

Lot of research has been done to identify the set of skills needed to succeed in such environment. And a growing number of organizations starts to focus on development of their employees’ cross-cultural competency which helps them navigate this volatile, ambiguous and constantly changing reality. Join this event to learn about impact of this skill on business operation through a case study of a multinational corporation.


Since 2015, the consultancy and education company Cultural Bridge has been helping dozens of organizations, teams and individuals to succeed when working across cultures and any kind of difference. Clients from different continents and from a variety of industries have used Cultural Bridge’s services to better understand needs of their diverse customers and business partners, to strengthen customer relationships, to generate more revenue and to create an inclusive workplace for their employees. Cultural Bridge has delivered their workshops, training and coaching, and designed inclusive policies and strategies for organizations in the United States, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Netherlands, Austria and in Kenya.


Mr. Andrej Juriga is the founder and managing director at Cultural Bridge, a cross-cultural trainer and coach, a CQ (Cultural Intelligence) facilitator certified by Cultural Intelligence Center, Michigan (CQ Certification is accredited by International Coach Federation), and an EQ (Emotional Intelligence) facilitator certified by Roche Martin, Australia. He has developed strong cross-cultural competencies while living and working in five different countries across Europe, Africa and USA. Mr. Juriga has completed his formal education in cross-cultural communication at Intercultural Communication Institute (Portland, Oregon) and he is a qualified facilitator and administrator of IDI (Intercultural Development Inventory - globally and academically validated assessment of intercultural competency), and also a certified facilitator of Cultural Detective, a renowned intercultural developmental method. He has a background in Sales and in Human Resources at a national and global level. During his professional career in various multinational corporations Mr. Juriga has developed a strong understanding of various national and organizational cultures and their implication on business behaviors. As a cross-cultural trainer and mentor Mr. Juriga helps individuals and organizations to improve their capability to work effectively across differences. Every summer, he attends Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication in Portland (USA) where he is responsible for professional development of new generation of intercultural educators.

LinkedIn profile


Date: November 27, 2018 (Tuesday)

Time: 09.00-11.00 (Registration is open from 08.30)

Location: AmCham Conference Room 1051 Budapest, Szent István tér 11., 6th floor

The event will be held in English Participation fee: The event is open and free for AmCham members in good standing and for business partners of Cultural Bridge.


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AmCham Office
1051 Budapest, Szent István tér 11.
Registration Deadline
The event is open for Members only