The HR Committee was launched in 2009 with the aim of providing a professional platform for HR managers and leaders involved in AmCham’s activities.

 Our main goal is to highlight HR issues in member companies as well as global HR trends and phenomena enabling our members to receive and exchange  up-to-date information about the sector. In addition, the HR Committee is a platform for corporate and non-corporate HR professionals to meet, share knowledge and best-practices and find solutions by learning from each other. 

HR, through talent management and training and development, is strongly linked to one of the main pillars of our 2021-2025 Agenda, to Human Capital, which we, together with Smart Growth and Business Environment identify as key areas of economic and social development, the improvement of which belong to our strategic objectives. 

Goals of the HR committee

  • Widen the labor supply and make the labor market more flexible to ensure business continuity
  • Modernize education, university, and business cooperation on curriculums (adult and vocational education)
  • Enhance mental and physical health awareness
  • Get insights on the latest trends and innovations related to the labor force and its HR-management

With this in mind, the HR committee organizes a number of meetings, and consultations each year including regular meetings that provide inputs to the Agenda and the Recommendation packages. Besides regular meetings, additional events on HR trends or challenges are organized yearly.

Past events and milestones

HR Masterclass

AmCham hosted a five-part interactive HR Masterclass between April 13 and May 11, 2023. The event series was attended by more than 60 HR professionals and featured 12 experts who shared their strategies and experiences on people-first methods.

At the first Masterclass, participants gained a global perspective on the people-first approach and its role in shaping successful business strategies. The second session delved into ensuring a positive employee journey, covering recruitment to retirement, followed by discussions on the Hybrid Work Paradox, compensation, and retention. The closing workshop allowed participants to apply lessons learned and explore cultural change through behavioral science. 

HR Dream Day

In 2022 May the HR committee organized the Fifth HR and Dream Day Conference with the participation of more than 100 local and international human resource experts. The conference, two years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic looked at, among others, the impact of the pandemic on the labor market posing a major focus on talent retention and employee engagement. Moreover, data-driven HR processes, as another major trend was also addressed.

The conference alternated between keynote presentations and round table discussions. The keynote speaker of the conference was Jeremie K. Brecheisen, managing director of the CHRO Roundtable at Gallup in London who apart from employee engagement also stressed the importance of well-being as source of employee retention.

HR DreamDay

Speakers also included Peter Romero (University of Cambridge), Emese Moricz, Judit Simonyi (Simonyi and Toth Personnel Consultancy member of AIMS International), Adrienn Füzes-Szabó (BT in Hungary), Varga Zsuzsa (Arconic-Köfém Mill Products Hungary), Timea Vörös, Sinka Edina (Randstad Hungary), Tamas Ferenc Gall (Motivive), Szilvia Bogdán (NEXON Ltd..), Ákos Kalmár (Continental Group Hungary), Martin Csépai (Deloitte Hungary).

Participants of the conference also engaged in HR speed dating with some of the best service providers in the sector to talk about top-of-the-line solutions.

Photos from the HR Dream Day are available in the gallery.

Joint meeting with Hungarian Business Leaders Forum (HBLF)

On April, we held a joint meeting with HBLF’s HR Committee. The event was hosted by Dr. Róbert Dobay, chair of AmCham’s HR Committee, and Ibolya Gothárdi, chair of HBLF’s HR Committee. We invited HR service providers WHC and WorkForce to give a vertical labor market overview in the shadow of the Ukrainian-Russian war, and corporate HR leaders from NI and Knorr-Bremse to share how businesses have been impacted by the crisis.

HR Academy: University educational series

In 2022, together with four youth organizations (Youth Business Group, HBA, Liska István College, and Illyés Sándor College) representing eight universities, the Committee organized an educational HR series for university students. The HR educational program was realized with volunteer HR leaders discussing current HR trends with students on topics such as positive psychology, talent management, atypical work, and leadership development.

HR Academy

AmCham hosted in 2021 a five-part live event series, the HR Academy where experts exchanged best practices on recruitment, performance and talent management, as well as development and training, motivation, and employee experience. The Academy, through a practical approach, aimed to equip experts with HR practices and knowledge enabling them to tackle challenges of HR during the pandemic and post-pandemic situation effectively.

HR Academy

Career orientation program

AmCham's Career Orientation Program was launched in 2019 to help prepare secondary school students for one of the most important decisions of their lives: choosing their career paths.

The program is based on a free online platform,, that connects the so-called Career Ambassadors, corporate volunteers, and schools’ representatives to organize career orientation visits in schools nationwide for 9-12 graders. During the visits, the Career Ambassadors, professionals in manager or senior position, hold inspiring, interactive, and thought-provoking lectures so that students can discover future career options, learn about the labor market, and the competencies needed to succeed.

A significant benefit of the program is that it enhances the dialogue/cooperation between the business and education sectors enabling them to discuss the most pressing issues regarding career orientation. In addition to this, our other priority is to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).