Healthcare Committee

Healthcare Committee

Our goal is to provide professional input and recommendations into Hungary's ongoing healthcare transformation, and improve the business and regulatory and operating environment for the life science industry.

Since its founding in 2020, the Healthcare Committee (upgraded from Working Group in 2022) has produced several policy materials and recommendations for the healthcare administration. Synthesizing input from AmCham’s pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, medical suppliers and medical service providers, the Committee published the Healthy Nation, Competitive Country recommendation packages by the following titles:

In 2023 and 2024, committee members have had several high-level meetings with stakeholders in the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Finance, Ministry for Technology and Industry, the National Directorate of Hospitals and others. We will continue to advocate for a sustainable, patient-centric and value-based healthcare, as we believe it is a key pillar of Hungary’s national competitiveness.

The Committee is led by Etelka Dobi, Patient Engagement and Government Affairs Lead, Janssen.